Useful Information
How we taste a wine

It is important to know the power of our five senses. This alone is what allows us to understand and enjoy a glass of wine. The sight, smell, taste and touch (not that of our fingers, but the oral cavity) will give us much information about what we drink.  So as not to omit the sense of hearing,  the clinking of glasses was introduced.

The Sense of Sight
The sense of sight always gives us a first impression of what we are about to drink or eat. Hold the glass by the stem, tip the glass slightly over a white surface i.e. a tablecloth, in order to see the true color of the wine. Taking a closer look, we see the colors, the purity and clarity. In most cases, the shade will give us a first indication of the age of the wine.

White wines when they are fresh have a greenish tinge, or sometimes the color of hay, while the older wines have a golden tinge or are dark yellow in color. Fresh red wines have bluish tones are blue and older, while aged wines have a brownish tinge.  Also, in red wines a rich, deep color predisposes us to a concentrated and rich flavor.

Stirring the glass in a circular movement and allowing it to stand, we will see trickles rolling downwards, these are called "tears." Thick tears rolling slowly reveal a high alcoholic content, while a "thick" taste (the body of the wine).

The Sense of Smell

The sense of taste and smell are so close to each other, so that our nose can make a very good estimate of the wine before we even taste it. So we should put our noses well in the glass and smell the wine carefully.

The smell of a wine varies depending on the grape from which it came, its age, the aging process, even the area from where it originated. Let us for a moment study what we are smelling. Does it have a strong or soft smell?  Complex or simple? What smells does it remind us of?

Each grape variety gives its own characteristics of aromas to the wine, which is usually of fruit or of flowers. Wine aged in oak barrels renders aromas of wood spice, vanilla, etc. By letting our imagination run free and having confidence in our senses, we can describe the scents we recognize in our glass.

The Sense of Taste

It is the most important of our senses when enjoying a glass of wine. We then take a sip of wine and swirl it in our mouth for a few seconds.

Our tongue consists of sensory areas. The tip of the tongue perceives sweet tastes, the sides sour tastes and the rear bitter tastes. It is important to have a balance in the mouth without a single flavor dominating. Rather, we should experience a sense of wholeness.

Assessing the wine we are drinking, we calculate its complexity by its "body" and sense of roundness. Also, an important element of a good wine is when we retain the taste in our mouths for some time after we have swallowed.

The description of a wine is according to personal taste perception and to the taste of each and everyone. Besides, we drink wine to enjoy it and all the above procedure is designed to help us enjoy it as much as possible. 

Wine Maintenance
The Correct Wine Glass
Temperature & Serving
Wine and Food Combinations
How we taste a wine
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